
Athlete's Foot (Alipunga) Herbal Remedies

During my high school days. I have suffered from this kind of fungal infection. I got infected usually when rainy days comes when my feet are soaked on flood while going home from school. So what  all this Athlete's foot all about. Or sometimes known as ringworm. It is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itch of affected areas. It is typically transmitted in moist areas where people walk barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses. Although the condition typically affects the feet, it can spread to other areas of the body, including the groin. Athlete's foot can be prevented by good hygiene, and is treated by a number of pharmaceutical and other treatments. 

However, there are four herbal plants recommended for healing athlete's foot. This is cheaper, affordable and easier than taking up a medicine.

Akapulko (Leaves)


  • Crash the young leaves and extract the essence.
  • Wipe the essence on to the affected part.

Kamantigue (Flower)

  • Crash the flowers.
  • Put on to the affected part.

Labanos (Substance)

  • Crash and take the essence.
  • Wipe on to the affected part, twice a day.