
CasSava (Tapioca) for Ulcers, Skin rashes, and Skin Itchiness

When the will say Cassava the first thing that will comes to my mine is the sweet cake baked in firewood. Who would know that cassava is a good substitute for rice and it has a low carbohydrate that is good for diabetic person. This is use for wide variety of delicacies like Chips, Kutsinta, Cake,and many more. Cassava is a well known plant here in Philippines. And it is planted every where like farm and some at home. This can be planted using the stem only. The crop is harvested by the roots which is the edible one. Some parts of the leaves is also edible and eat as a salad. They call the roots as tuber and beside from delicacies they use it to make a starch and sago. Starch is very important and widely use in cosmetic and culinary. It can grow to 3 meters and 3 to 7 deeply.

The cassava is good for Ulcers, Skin rashes, and Skin Itchiness. The Tube roots is the part that is use to overcome Ulcers, Skin rashes, and Skin Itchiness. They make poultice and applied for ulcers. Skin rashers are medicated by the powdered dry tubers and applied to the affected area. And even a starch bath will be very helpful. use two glasses of starch and mix with cold water. The affected part is immersed for 20 minutes. Do not wash it out. Pat dry with a dry towel.