
Remedy For Tired Eyes

I always experience tiredness of eyes everyday in office. I spend 8 hours everyday in front of my computer doing some 2D/3D drawings. Today many of us spend too much time in front of computer doing some work or playing games. It is very important to us to keep our eyes healthy and to have some rest. I have collected some helpful remedies that will help soothing our tiredness. Remember that our eyes are the window of our body. So better to take care of them.

  • Get a pair of spoon and place it on the freezer. When they have accumulated cold take them out and place it under the eyes. This will help reduce the puffiness. Be sure not to freeze the spoons.
  • Using lavender oil, bowl of water, and a cotton ball will help. Add a few drops of the oil in a bowl of water and soak the cotton ball. And place it over the eyelids. Soaking a cotton ball in a tea water will be another effective way.
  • Another popular and widely use in relieving eye tiredness is taking a cucumber and cutting it into slices.
  • In a small bowl of cold milk, dip a cotton ball and place it over the eyelids. This would remove all the puffiness.
  • Soak a cotton ball in a bowl, containing water, and a few drops of perfume. Keep the soaked cotton on your eyelids, for a few minutes.
  • Place a strawberry, kept in the refrigerator for a few minutes, on the eyelids. This will be beneficial in treating tired eyes.
Remember that take enough rest whenever you feel tiredness on your eyes. Taking rest is the best remedy for tired eyes.